Tuesday 31 May 2011

part 3- a.k.a so in love with the African bush that i may never come back...

Reflexion as I'm walking in the bush: Any and everything here could potentially kill you, from the smallest scorpion to the biggest elephant. i'm comparing this to when i was in the airport observing people and using the senses that i have to stay safe... it is the same out here. Every single part of my body and mind is working and aware of my environment. i've always been aware but never like this, it is an awareness i believe will stay with me always. I'm thriving off of this new knowledge. It is important to know the ways of the bush to help me with my work. The call of a certain bird means that elephants are usually near the slight crack of a branch could be anything. The fuzzy green plant's roots have water. the poison from the Tamboti tree if put in water will make the fish come to the surface and able you to eat them safely. I want to know all of this so fast and i've been studying during my breaks and taking soo many notes but it's paying off. On the past few walks i've been able to track civet, cheetah and recognize almost of the important trees. The hardest are the birds. The calls sound the same, the spot i see flying are similar and then the names are complicated. But i'm trying really hard because the birds can tell me a lot. People here are mostly from Australia and South africa so everyone adds a ''hey'' at the end of their sentences. So much so that i no longer say 'eh' but 'hey' . The sky is amazing here, i've never seen so many stars out at night.

24th of may 9:13pm

i was out late by the fire and was the last one into bed. As i come in my room there is a scorpion awaiting me.. i dont want to seem like a wuss so I dont mind it so much and go to bed anyways. About 15 minutes later i realize i left my bag out near the fire so i get up and head back out. When i return the scorpion is closer to the door. i took a picture of it and it started walking away from the flash, so i tried to shine my headlamp on it and see if it moved away,, slowly it did. I went to sleep a bit more reassured.

25th may (in bed at twines) 8:58pm

really busy day. This week i'm assigned telemetry (the antenna like thing that you see on all the cool BBC documentaries) and general game. Two great jobs because there is a lot of work associated to general game. We drove very north in the hopes of finding a female rhino ( Zula). We din't find her but on the way back i picked up the signal on the telemetry of one of the main matriach of an elephant herd. the next hour was so exciting because we were tracking them all over the place. We finally came across the whole herd-17 elephants walking across the river and then up onto a clearing. We watched the behavior for the next 1 and a half then move on home for a well deserved lunch. it was amazing. The people here are also divided into teams and i've been put with the most experienced workers- I'm happy to be with them, and everyone thinks i'm much older- something i'm not denying of course. Hehe , I wonder when i'll ever stop lying about my age.. probably around 35 then i'll just start again but going in the other direction. :)

28th of may around the fire at Twines

I havent written in 2 days and it feels like I can't remember half of the things that i did. To sum it up - i've been bush clearing, fighting with excel and my data, cooking food, hiking, tracking, being told i'm tough, then later on crazy and then finally collasping into bed exhausted but content. On one of our walks we saw a leopard. it was amazing, we were walking (4 of us) and when we sptted it, the whole walk changed in dynamic- i've never been so quiet in my life as we followed it into the bushes. i've braided with the help of another girl my whole head, i love it!! I've also (after a week) received my bag. It's nice to have and my binoxulars were still in it, but I was managing great without it.

10:12pm (in bed at twines) (so tired)

this is the latest i've ever been to bed. But it's because tomorrow is my day off. Tonight we had a ''Braii'' South african term for BBQ and it was great fun! I'm starting to realize i'm actually here, doing this kind of work, it's sunk in and i love it- i work and hard and learn fast, my team say's its because i'm canadian. That's all i hear "She works hard.. nahh she's canadian!!!!! " it makes me laugh, ya i'm part canadien but it's me, my personallity. i love how i am out here, it's great for my esteem and wonderful to be surronded by like minded people.

Note: More entries to follow, it's been busy and sometimes things feel so far away that I can get lost within all the excitement. Know that i still think of everyone often and love you guys deeply. Thought for mom and dude here... If it wasn't for you two i wouldn't be here, and you have taught me both so much. Love you. :)


  1. :D c'estt fouuuuuu !!! jajajajaja :D

  2. I;m so happy for youu :D it's so youu, every single part of it :)
