Thursday 26 May 2011

Journal entries... (suite)

I'm realizing that as i'm getting less and less bored my entries are fewer and my handwritting has become sloppy with fatigue. This of course is a good thing, but now you will no longer be able to see into my deep thoughts, hey, if anyone wants to know what's going on in my head you'll have to bring out on a date hehe.

So.. 11:38 am (on translux bus)

On translux bus, going out of Pretoria. Most things so far here have made me think of Belize, there is of course some similarities but most likely i'm comparing to the closest thing that i know. My eyes are closing on me since i din't get much sleep last night and the 7 hour time change is hard to get used to, though i dont want to sleep, i dont want to miss a thing... i'm beggining to recognize myself now; exicited, curious and full of energy to explore. it feels most wonderful!

22nd may (still on bus) 4:33 pm

this has been the longest day yet, the bus ride is long and tedious. i'm almost in Hoedspruit though!! And this part of the drive is SO beautiful, high ridges and deep gorges everywhere, my ears are popping with the various rises in altitude and it is amazing.

22n may (finally off bus) 6;18 pm

This no bag thing is kinda bugging me, i'm at the the b+b now, it's so lovely. plus they are feeding me, i love when people feed me. :) i put on my new underwear, they come up and over my belly button. I lay down on the bed for a minute and almost choose it over the food. Almost.

22nd may (in BED, 1st bed of the trip!) 8:44 pm

i had a wonderful supper with the owners, and had my 1st home brewed south african beer. We ate outside; the place is in the middle of the bush and i can hear all of the sounds. Dozing off now...

23rd may (in bed at b+b, 9;18 am)

I slept like a rock, no dreams nothing. in a couple of minutes i am going to head into town (driving on the wrong side of the road) with them to meet up with  the research group. Wow so exciting!!! :)

23rd may 11;11 am (hoedspruit market square)

so the couple bring me into town, and i was going to go shop and then meet up with the group... instead i'm dragged along with "the wife" shopping. i may look like a girl, but really shopping?! I'd really rather not. the wife also smokes. A lot. it has been irratated my nose and now i'm having a huge allergy attack... boo. i bought a long sleeved shirt, and some deoderant. I'll be able to manage fine on what i have for quite awhile.

23rd may hoedspruit (on bus with the research group from makalali) 3:10 pm

This is great!!! Really annoying pretty bad allergy attack today, but i'm feeling much better now. I met up with the group at lunch and they are pretty awesome really. i knew they would be but still it's awesome to be around a bunch of people like myself; bush happy people :) Only two are two girls from sweden who arrived today are much more girly, but hey they'll adapt. it's wonderful who i've immediatly connected with people.

7:26 pm (in bed at Siyafunda conservation research center) btw it gets dark at 6 pm here.

So the conservation program is split in two. The research center where data is filed, maps are kept and graphs and talks are presented. Then there is the bush camp where the hands on work is done. i'm volunteering 2 weeks at each. During the day groups go on drives and walks to track animals, note sexe, placement, behavior etc. It is great work, hard but made for me. i can't wait to start. For now though i'm completely exhausted, a bit dissapointed that i start off at the research center, i was looking forward to sleeping out in the bush right away. The sunsets here are beautiful, just like the lion king. Only thing is i'm missing my "nox" (thought for dude here). :)

5:25 am (in bed, research center -also called Twines)
About to get up for 1st day of work, yea!!!

may 24th in hammock at twines 12:27 pm

I'm tired. VERY happy though. the weather is beautiful, hot but with a nice breeze at night though it gets cold. really cold. 6 am drive is freezing too. On the drive everyone has a certain group to track, and note all the data down, afterwards it has to be filed in the computer. Hey, a monkey just ran by me!

may 24th 6:32 pm (sitting around the fire at Twines)
Wonderful first day of work, the ranger bringing us out (Declan) said i had great eyes..(not in a flirty way... though for me complimenting me on those kind of things is the way to my heart) hehe. We saw some great jackels, girrafes and many many impalas. This afternoon we went out on foot trekking and found two hippos. at the end of our walk a couple of us trekked to the top of a ridge to see the sunset. Amazing.


  1. elizabeth chanona26 May 2011 at 03:49

    hey sweetie..what a good balance, field work and research work...taking any pics? and your bag should be there today!! what a saga. love you sooo

  2. Hi S-M,
    Sounds like a great adventure! Glad to know you survived your trip and are now having a good time. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.
    Lots of love,

  3. great narative S-M, it s if we are there every step,feeling the excitement, congrats! The big creek crew

  4. It all sounds amazing!
    Keep blogging!
