Tuesday 24 May 2011

Everything that i can write before i'm too tired...

I'm just going to copy paste from my journal, it's not great writting but it will give you guys an idea, only editing small bits of it.

20th may- JFK airport, USA

Right now i'm sitting on the floor at gate B30 eating my supper. The woman near me with 3 kids smiled at me, I really hope that peoplea are nice to me. I can't believe i'm finally doing this trip, it really doesn't feel quite real yet. Already before even leaving the continent I had a small adventure finding the check in for Arik air, it was on the opposite side of the airport and I as opposed to the other people (which took the skytrain) went outside and ended up jumping over a couple fencing to get to the right terminal. There was slight confusion as to whether or not I needed a visa to layover in Nigeria, but it all worked out fine. Now i'm waiting for the flight to board and i;m very aware that I am the only white person here, it makes me very aware.

21st may- on plane to Lagos 1:45 pm nigeria time

so the ten hour flight wasn't so bad, i even managed to sleep for most of it. they just announced our decent and looking out the window i'm feeling jittery, i'm seeing huts and red dusty roads and fields. it is still hard for me to realize that this is Africa, i;m picturing myself hovering over my globe in my room, a whole continent away.

21st may- 2:45 lagos time (in airport)

So i get off the plane and into customs, i'm used to rugged airports with belize but here it is a whole different story, it make me nervous. I go through customs and they hold on to my passport while i make sure that my bag doesn't come through on the belt and that it;s checked all the way through to jo'burg. I have this horrible feeling of distrust, especially of men, espescially this man that is making me follow him through this maze of dark hallways. i do not want to be scared but i am. He is carrying my passport still, so i dont really have a choice. He brings me in this small room and tells me to sit down. There are 10 other male guards in here and they are passing my passport back and forth... i feel like i;m in the prey in the lions den and the beast are decided whether they should eat me now or later. Not fun. In the end after much pointing in my direction and loud conversation i was told to go wander off until my boarding time at this point i return here and retrieve my passport. So now i'm waiting on a bench in the airport, still fearful and nervous. Aneil told me to listen to my gut, but now i;m afraid my gut is being clouded by my overpowering imagination. I've closed my eyes and managed to sleep for a bit, i'm feeling safer, writting helps me.

5;30 pm nigeria time

Back in the lions den. i'm hungry and no longer scared. :)

9:38 pm nigeria time

Woke up for what now must be my 9th mini nap of the day. Now i'm waiting to board my flight to South Africa and i;m feeling sooo much better.it's amazing really how quickly i;ve been able to adapt, i'm now people watching. learning everything i can with my senses. i've just eaten some nuts and carrots, i'm starved. i hope they feed me on the plane.

3;54 am nigeria time(on plane)

One hour to go and I land, then i have to take a taxi then a bus to Hoedspruit where i'm staying over night until i make it out into the bush for work on the reserve. i'm begining to feel anxious about actually stepping outside of the secured airport zone. it feels like i'm about to hold my breath through it all... i'm not looking foward to it. mom sent me a text saying that there is wonderful people all over the world. i know this, this is why i want to travel so much, connect with people and they're cultures. i'll be okay. i'll be fine. By the way, they gave me food on the plane1

5:07 am ; LANDED!!! :)

7:22 am jo'burg time (in airport)

So it seems as though 10 hours hanging out in lagos wasnt enough for my backpack and well it decided to stay there a while longer.... -_- leaving me in a somewhat frustrating situation... although, i'm happy, excited and 'i cant wait to get outside and explore!!!

9:23 am jo'burg time (pretoria bus station)

So, i feel good! Feels good to feel good. the gut is fine and the imagination is working with my peace of mind. So right, my bag is now chilling in lagos and thanks to it i've purchased X large granny panties (it was the only size and budget i could afford) i'll save spending 150 rand on a lace thong for somewhere else than the intl airport. haha. Also got some food then jumped in a taxi towards Pretoria. the taxi driver was very nice although it cost me 480 rand (i'm only paying 160 rand for the bus which takes me 7 times the distance). On the way here i saw 2 zebras and a giraffe, it was awesome! Now i'm sitting on the bench outside the station, it's a beautiful day and i'm so very content right now.

9:42 am (still at bus station)

i just got off the phone with chris, probably one of the most expensive phone call i've ever made but so worth it! I'm slightly bored so i'll write just whatever comes to mind.. It has now been close to 3 days since my last shower, real meal, and a sleep with a bed. But hey, i;m not complaining, i love how i'm living off of so little actually finding sleep with all my belongings warped around my body in various ways to not have them stolen. I've noticed that people here say "hello" as opposed to excuse me, or move please, so all morning i've been turning around and saying hi to people who just want me out of their way...

11;38 am (on translux bus heading towards hoedspruit)


  1. elizabeth chanona24 May 2011 at 15:05

    wow! so happy to hear from you sweetie...love you...mom

  2. Elizabeth liiizzz :)24 May 2011 at 16:32

    I'm so happy for you Sarahhhh <3! I can't wait for you to get back and hear all your stories but I know you're probably having the time of your life now :) I hope it's as amazing as you expected it to be :D! love you <3 xx keep us updated :) :)

  3. Thanks for the update, Sara-Monique! Love you so much! Take care. xxxxooooo Aunt Margaret

  4. You are amaaaazing !!! You make me smile :)

  5. You're doing AWESOME. So impressed with you for taking on this adventure. Keep it up!

  6. HI - I was so in awe to get your news from Grandma Mary and see that you are following the steps of a "Rough" family adventurer. Uncle Don is writing out the stories from your relatives and Africa, traveling, exploring is in your roots. Don and I will keep you in our prayers, and we look forward to your adventures, your growth in people and in God. It is an amazing time in your life and we are proud to travel with you.
    Auntie Marilyn & Uncle Don

  7. Hihi honeybadgerrr:) jsuis contente de te voir contemte profite senn babe jpense a toii oxxx iluuu

  8. Your blog is amazing, Sarah-Monique! Thank you so much for giving us a glimps of your amazing trip. You'd better run those undies up the flag pole at Park Safari when you get back!!
    xox Patricia

  9. Hi Sara-Monique
    Your mom was just here visiting and she shared your blog address with me. I'm thrilled to be reading your adventure. You are already a seasoned traveller from your travels to Belize and now you get to fly solo on the adventure of a lifetime. Wishing you so much fun and growing and love on this journey. You are in my heart always.
    Susan Fisch

  10. woo woo woo! this time for Africa :) I'm so glad you're having fun, and that you're well aware of your white-ness, haha. I love reading these little things. Keep 'em comin' gurl. can you guess who this is?
