Wednesday 15 June 2011

A new approach.

"Saubona" Andrews calls out the the zebras in the field. it means "be well/hello" in zulu; his native tongue. i think i could write up a whole blog just about Andrews, he is one of the most open people i have ever met and although it can be difficult to understand him sometimes his wisdom and stories are always amazing. Watching andrews in the bush is like observing the animals, he fits into the decor, not making a sound as he walks, predicting behavior, smelling a carcass, navigating with the sun, the best is his animal noises; he can imitate the call of any animal out here. I watch him in awe and makes me reflect on the human race, Aware of the noise people make, the chaos we let invade our lives, the greed that overwhelms us. When i'm out with andrews, i try to not take any pictures, imitating what he does: still as stone, quiet, i strive to shut my body off and concentrate every sense i have to learn and understand. It is a kind of meditation and also an art.

It is sometimes quite frustrating to be around people who simply do not feel the same way as me about the environment. This peace of mind and the relations i am developing with people here does make me fear my return back home and how i will re adapt myself to civilization... some great news from a friend i received this week made me realize that people "like me" aren't only to be found deep in the South African bushveld. These people are close to home, harder to find since we are obliged to follow some of society restrictions but they are there, and the more i continue to be true to myself and enjoy the things i love they will come closer and closer.

Now would any one like to know what animal was walking by as i practiced this "meditation" ? Din't think so, well i'll tell you anyways, elephants. i know always ellies, but not just an elephant, 60 of them. 60 beautiful beasts, a large bull in musth trying to mate one of the females, 2 youngsters playing but also practicing for later on, a young baby barely taller than the natal red top grass... Elephants have very similar attributes to humans, not only in terms of developpement but also their social hierachy. It was absolutely fascinating to watch them for an hour as they drank at a water hole. Elephants also communicate through rumbles which travel miles from one herd to another, very similar to the way that whales communicate. Thinking of how elephants related brings me to speak about languages and communication...

I love to talk, i enjoy words and playing around with speech. Here instead of trying to find a more interesting way of putting my simple sentence i have to break it down so that i can be universally understood. (i'm not saying that my english is so eloquent, we all now it can be as basic as basic can be haha..) but having to adapt my vocabulary makes speaking less fun, but acting a whole new game. Andrews spent an hour trying to teach me zulu, within his "lesson" he told me about a mine in SA where the workers came from all over Africa and they couldn't understand themselves. The government then created a language combining the shangaan, swahili, africaans and more into one that would be used whilst working within the mine. Thought the people had already come to some sort of understanding of one another because they did speak the appointed zulu language in the mines but outside of work went to speaking a whole new slang that they had created. Being with the people here I have learned to act out what I mean, use examples from what we have experienced together to convey my sentences. I've also started guessing what things mean in swedish, german and welsh... this is the fun part, it's all about the body language and the eyes. Actually it's exactly like observing the animals... This new way of picking meanings within the people here brought me to suggest we play charades one night around the fire. It was a hit. Hilarious. I loved it and now sometimes when no one can understand what someone is saying we just act it out. One of the more shy girls came to thank me afterwards to taking this initiative, it made me happy that people appreciated it and also it made me thankful for my ability to create a certain atmosphere within a group.

I know this blog entry is not like the other ones, but as this experience is becoming more and more of a routine it's harder to simply state day by day what I have done. It goes to show how much i've integrated myself with this work, i going further into relationships and experiencing more than just an awesome lion/cheetah/rhino/ele sighting. IT's becoming much, much more to me. I'm coming home soon guys, and i'm looking forward to sharing this experience with everyone. thanks for thinking of me and commenting on this blog, it means a lot to me. :)

Thursday 9 June 2011

More pictures, ya!

Thank my patient guys, we all know it's not the easiest thing for me to do, sit and wait. So, hope you enjoy! :)

Click here for the pics

Monday 6 June 2011


i can't seem to upload many pictures to this blog, here is the link to facebook; the album is on public and everyone should be able to see it whether they are on facebook or not. Let me know if it can't be viewed and i will try something else.

Bush camp and cold nights...

Author's note: Sorry if looks as if i cannot spell, it takes too a lot of force and just the right angle to capitalize the letter 'i' on this computer.

10:12 pm (in bed at twines)

I'm only going to bed this late because tomorrow is my day off. This has been and continues to be a wonderful experience. Only today, as we set off on a full 10 hour day drive did i really think of home. it may be because last night i had such a vivid dream of home and certain people. i think hte strong images and memories suddenly brought me back in a flash. i think i've finally ''realized'' that i'm here, it;s quite a weird feeling to be working and living in such a different place. Everyone here drinks tea, and lots of it, no matter how hot it is. When we head off on our morning game drive we bring the cooler with rooibos tea and hard Rusks and i love how we just jump out before it gets too warm and sit in the middle of the savannah and drink tea... to save on dishes i'm trying to get people to use sticks to stir and leaves as plates.. they tell me i'm crazy. it's nice to know that even out in the Africa bushveld i'm still considered haha wait for it... badass! :)

Today i navigated our driver up to the way north end of the reserve in the research for the rhino zula (we found her!!! ). It was hard but i only got us lost once, on the way up we spotted a hyena and a jackal together, an odd sight. After they left we walked into the bush a bit to the area they were. they smell got to us before the sight, not even 10 m off the path was a baby giraffe kill. We then rush back to camp picked up a camera trap in the hopes of getting some really cool footage of the animals that will come and feast. The language used on the radios is Shangaan and i now know how to say Elephant= Ndlovu, leopard= ingwe, rhino= originaly mkombi but since recent poaching problems we use the code name madache, cheetah=tantkaan, ngala=lion, bamba=kill, mafazi= female, madado= male. On the way home from our day I got to drive us home, it was fun but I did send everyone into the brambles maybe once or twice. This coming monday I head down to bush camp, i'm really looking forward to sleeping outside! I've also started doing exercices now, i was really in shape before leaving and since no lion has chased me around yet i'm losing my cardio... so push ups, dips, plank and yoga for 30 minutes daily from now on!

29th of may - sitting on the porch at twines.

About to leave to a reptile park with Declan. It was nice to be able to sleep in today, but my body was up at 5:30 am ready to go and it took a lot of will power to stay in bed until at least 7. ok, were leaving now.

29th of may- back on the poch at twines (false departure so i'm writting more)

We just saw a baboon spider. (Baboon spiders are really cool. look them up and be imppresed!) So this baboon spider seemed to be acting weird and extremely aggresive so we decided to bring it with us to the reptile park and see what they tell us. Now i'm in the truck and Amos (one of the volunteers) is teasing me so I smacked him and he's now calling me a female baboon spider... haha :)
Later on: The reptile park was awesome, the guide was by far the best i've ever met. He had knowledge and enthousiasm that can change minds. The presentation on conservation and the examples he gave of behavior to avoid when encountering snakes was imppresive. it was a great day!Also if you guys did look up baboon spiders you will know what the guy told us when he looked at the one we brought- the male we saw was just about to die and becomes very weak as he tries to mate; all of his energy going into having small sperm pockets on parts of his body. He will continue to live on very little until he can find a female and then after mating will die.

30th of may 10:56 am - Hoedspruit shopping center

A whole week later, almost sitting in the exact same place at the exact same time. So much has changed, i'm really starting to feel Africa now, it's no longer a place i'm comparing to Belize but turning into a place full of new and interestings things that i'm exploring bit by bit. i just bought some souvenirs and i'm doing really well with my finances, if i keep this up i'll be going home with some money extra to stick in my next travel fund (for those interested, Asia it getting to be really appealing form what i'm hearing.. :) ) - Mom, don't worry i should come home for a couple days before leaving again. :) 3 people left today and it seems quiet and really different without them around.

9:50 pm (in my tent at bush camp)

i absolutely LOVE bush camp, i knew i would but still... its great! I just came in from sitting around the fire and listening to the hyenas call. I just realized how late it is and i really need to get to sleep because tomorrow morning is 4:30 am wake up!

10:43 am at twines.

This morning i woke up to very cold weather.. bush camp is down by the river so the temperature drops substancially lower than the much warmer twines camp. We went out on a walk this morning, i love the walks it starts off with everyone blowing there noses form the cold, shivering and half heartedly tracking some animal but then... the air warms up, a crack of branches make hearts race, the sun beats down, and a lion roars, clothes come off and steps are quickened, fresh scats and a glimpse through the trees... the whole walk has changed. We think nothing and use every sense we have. we continue like this for awhile, then if the track is lost then everyone breathes again and starts walking with less care. Something like this happens almost every time and it is my favorite part.

may 31st 1;46 am - in bed, cold.

So everyone told me that i would fall in love, and i would relive some complicated sceanario involving my heart... well, i did fall in love but since i'm me, and me couldn't do it any plain way... and complicated situation this one will be when i try to smuggle this 8 ton elephant across customs with me... i don't quite know what he looks like, but looks aren't everything... but from his rumble he has seduced me. So i'm not having the best sleep tonight it seems, but i don't mind because they is an elephant outside of my tent!

may 31st 3:55 pm - sitting on the porch of bush camps kitchen.

Today, i had a cold shower (ice cold) then I did some yoga with Stephany on the sleep out deck, it was absolutely amazing, wobbling on one foot and looking down on giraffe and wildebeests!

june 5th (sitting around the fire at twines)

I'm summing up my week now, since i haven't written at all. Being at bush camp has been great, cold as ever but great. Only thing is we are confined to camp area, which does make sense but Declan who is in charge doesn't quite see eye to eye with me. unfortunate for both of us, and we bicker constantly, still in a friendly playful way but when it comes down to it...i feel traped within my 10 by 10 ft of alloted space and having Declan as my babysitter is the motivation to jump up and down on the other side of it. You'll be happy to know that i don't, quite mature of me i know. And the sparkes only really go when it's really cold, early/late or one of us is in a particular sour mood, but for the most part it makes everyone laugh. There is a party planned for Saturday to fund an animal orphanage ( Daktari) i'm excited. This week was a less busy one since bush camp is mostly going off and finding animals, learning about different plants and birds. All the data is noted but the long part is the excel work, graphs, and working on id kits which are all done up at Twines. Many people are leaving this monday so all the volunteers are going to be working exclusively up at twines but going out just as much on field gathering. I'm actually happy about this because, despite my very badass exterior i still feel the cold, and man was it cold. It goes down to 3 degrees at night and 10 blankets are not enough to keep me warm! it's funny, when i get up in the morning and get dressed in my sleeping bag I cannot possibly remember that it does indeed warm up. And then, at 11:30 am when its 35 degrees in the sun i can't imagine how cold it gets at night, until it does and the whole process begins again.

Saturday's fundraising party was quite a good time, it took place on a dirt road that cuts through the whole area of animal reserves/ game parks. Stanging there, drinking a beer surrounded by wild people is now going to make any party no matter how great seem like nothing compared to this. When i say wild i do not mean the person on ecstasy in the club driving home at 3 am. i mean, overgrown hair wild, dirt permantely to our skin wild, bright eyed wild people. i love people like this, AND my not so dirty (dirt wise) friends.

Saturday night went on into sunday morning hanging out in the "freezer" back at twines talking with 3 other volunteers since it was the warmest place to be... I wussed out of sleeping in my tent that night since the next day I was going to a nearby reserve (tshukudu) that do work with cheetahs and i was going to assist them following the cheetahs on their morning hunt. Sunday morning we left at 3:45am to go to Tshukudu a precious 2 hours of sleep in me. But it was worth it, to see the cheetahs chase down a duiker (small anteloppe) was breathtaking and of course pretty cool to get to pet one afterwards. Saturday night we had another braii and we played volleyball, teams were non europeans against europeans... the non europeans won by one point.. it was great fun.

And now it's 3:29 pm and it's really quiet; everyone went into town today to get odds and ends and to drop off the people leaving. There are 2 guys here now working for BBC trying to do some film work on the animals so me being the only one hanging about ( i wanted to sleep in) they brought me along with them, it was on of the best tracking of elephants yet, so close on their trail we could smell them but still could not see them! Finally after being extremely close we decided to head back to the truck, as we were driving home only about 35 m further than the point where we turned back we bumped into a herd of 12 elephants!!!
Jana (a new ranger/intern ) came in last week and since then i've been hanging out a lot with her, she knows so much and she is quite the character. Later she's going to help me learn to shot the rifle.
A day off feel nice and when the others get back we are going to make some muffins and watch a movie. :) Today for the first time i read everyone's comments on this blog. Makes me miss you all and i'm really looking forward to sharing theses stories with you all and in return hearing all the fun and adventures that everyone is having without me. (please don't forget about me hey ! :) )

Tuesday 31 May 2011

part 3- a.k.a so in love with the African bush that i may never come back...

Reflexion as I'm walking in the bush: Any and everything here could potentially kill you, from the smallest scorpion to the biggest elephant. i'm comparing this to when i was in the airport observing people and using the senses that i have to stay safe... it is the same out here. Every single part of my body and mind is working and aware of my environment. i've always been aware but never like this, it is an awareness i believe will stay with me always. I'm thriving off of this new knowledge. It is important to know the ways of the bush to help me with my work. The call of a certain bird means that elephants are usually near the slight crack of a branch could be anything. The fuzzy green plant's roots have water. the poison from the Tamboti tree if put in water will make the fish come to the surface and able you to eat them safely. I want to know all of this so fast and i've been studying during my breaks and taking soo many notes but it's paying off. On the past few walks i've been able to track civet, cheetah and recognize almost of the important trees. The hardest are the birds. The calls sound the same, the spot i see flying are similar and then the names are complicated. But i'm trying really hard because the birds can tell me a lot. People here are mostly from Australia and South africa so everyone adds a ''hey'' at the end of their sentences. So much so that i no longer say 'eh' but 'hey' . The sky is amazing here, i've never seen so many stars out at night.

24th of may 9:13pm

i was out late by the fire and was the last one into bed. As i come in my room there is a scorpion awaiting me.. i dont want to seem like a wuss so I dont mind it so much and go to bed anyways. About 15 minutes later i realize i left my bag out near the fire so i get up and head back out. When i return the scorpion is closer to the door. i took a picture of it and it started walking away from the flash, so i tried to shine my headlamp on it and see if it moved away,, slowly it did. I went to sleep a bit more reassured.

25th may (in bed at twines) 8:58pm

really busy day. This week i'm assigned telemetry (the antenna like thing that you see on all the cool BBC documentaries) and general game. Two great jobs because there is a lot of work associated to general game. We drove very north in the hopes of finding a female rhino ( Zula). We din't find her but on the way back i picked up the signal on the telemetry of one of the main matriach of an elephant herd. the next hour was so exciting because we were tracking them all over the place. We finally came across the whole herd-17 elephants walking across the river and then up onto a clearing. We watched the behavior for the next 1 and a half then move on home for a well deserved lunch. it was amazing. The people here are also divided into teams and i've been put with the most experienced workers- I'm happy to be with them, and everyone thinks i'm much older- something i'm not denying of course. Hehe , I wonder when i'll ever stop lying about my age.. probably around 35 then i'll just start again but going in the other direction. :)

28th of may around the fire at Twines

I havent written in 2 days and it feels like I can't remember half of the things that i did. To sum it up - i've been bush clearing, fighting with excel and my data, cooking food, hiking, tracking, being told i'm tough, then later on crazy and then finally collasping into bed exhausted but content. On one of our walks we saw a leopard. it was amazing, we were walking (4 of us) and when we sptted it, the whole walk changed in dynamic- i've never been so quiet in my life as we followed it into the bushes. i've braided with the help of another girl my whole head, i love it!! I've also (after a week) received my bag. It's nice to have and my binoxulars were still in it, but I was managing great without it.

10:12pm (in bed at twines) (so tired)

this is the latest i've ever been to bed. But it's because tomorrow is my day off. Tonight we had a ''Braii'' South african term for BBQ and it was great fun! I'm starting to realize i'm actually here, doing this kind of work, it's sunk in and i love it- i work and hard and learn fast, my team say's its because i'm canadian. That's all i hear "She works hard.. nahh she's canadian!!!!! " it makes me laugh, ya i'm part canadien but it's me, my personallity. i love how i am out here, it's great for my esteem and wonderful to be surronded by like minded people.

Note: More entries to follow, it's been busy and sometimes things feel so far away that I can get lost within all the excitement. Know that i still think of everyone often and love you guys deeply. Thought for mom and dude here... If it wasn't for you two i wouldn't be here, and you have taught me both so much. Love you. :)

Thursday 26 May 2011

Journal entries... (suite)

I'm realizing that as i'm getting less and less bored my entries are fewer and my handwritting has become sloppy with fatigue. This of course is a good thing, but now you will no longer be able to see into my deep thoughts, hey, if anyone wants to know what's going on in my head you'll have to bring out on a date hehe.

So.. 11:38 am (on translux bus)

On translux bus, going out of Pretoria. Most things so far here have made me think of Belize, there is of course some similarities but most likely i'm comparing to the closest thing that i know. My eyes are closing on me since i din't get much sleep last night and the 7 hour time change is hard to get used to, though i dont want to sleep, i dont want to miss a thing... i'm beggining to recognize myself now; exicited, curious and full of energy to explore. it feels most wonderful!

22nd may (still on bus) 4:33 pm

this has been the longest day yet, the bus ride is long and tedious. i'm almost in Hoedspruit though!! And this part of the drive is SO beautiful, high ridges and deep gorges everywhere, my ears are popping with the various rises in altitude and it is amazing.

22n may (finally off bus) 6;18 pm

This no bag thing is kinda bugging me, i'm at the the b+b now, it's so lovely. plus they are feeding me, i love when people feed me. :) i put on my new underwear, they come up and over my belly button. I lay down on the bed for a minute and almost choose it over the food. Almost.

22nd may (in BED, 1st bed of the trip!) 8:44 pm

i had a wonderful supper with the owners, and had my 1st home brewed south african beer. We ate outside; the place is in the middle of the bush and i can hear all of the sounds. Dozing off now...

23rd may (in bed at b+b, 9;18 am)

I slept like a rock, no dreams nothing. in a couple of minutes i am going to head into town (driving on the wrong side of the road) with them to meet up with  the research group. Wow so exciting!!! :)

23rd may 11;11 am (hoedspruit market square)

so the couple bring me into town, and i was going to go shop and then meet up with the group... instead i'm dragged along with "the wife" shopping. i may look like a girl, but really shopping?! I'd really rather not. the wife also smokes. A lot. it has been irratated my nose and now i'm having a huge allergy attack... boo. i bought a long sleeved shirt, and some deoderant. I'll be able to manage fine on what i have for quite awhile.

23rd may hoedspruit (on bus with the research group from makalali) 3:10 pm

This is great!!! Really annoying pretty bad allergy attack today, but i'm feeling much better now. I met up with the group at lunch and they are pretty awesome really. i knew they would be but still it's awesome to be around a bunch of people like myself; bush happy people :) Only two are two girls from sweden who arrived today are much more girly, but hey they'll adapt. it's wonderful who i've immediatly connected with people.

7:26 pm (in bed at Siyafunda conservation research center) btw it gets dark at 6 pm here.

So the conservation program is split in two. The research center where data is filed, maps are kept and graphs and talks are presented. Then there is the bush camp where the hands on work is done. i'm volunteering 2 weeks at each. During the day groups go on drives and walks to track animals, note sexe, placement, behavior etc. It is great work, hard but made for me. i can't wait to start. For now though i'm completely exhausted, a bit dissapointed that i start off at the research center, i was looking forward to sleeping out in the bush right away. The sunsets here are beautiful, just like the lion king. Only thing is i'm missing my "nox" (thought for dude here). :)

5:25 am (in bed, research center -also called Twines)
About to get up for 1st day of work, yea!!!

may 24th in hammock at twines 12:27 pm

I'm tired. VERY happy though. the weather is beautiful, hot but with a nice breeze at night though it gets cold. really cold. 6 am drive is freezing too. On the drive everyone has a certain group to track, and note all the data down, afterwards it has to be filed in the computer. Hey, a monkey just ran by me!

may 24th 6:32 pm (sitting around the fire at Twines)
Wonderful first day of work, the ranger bringing us out (Declan) said i had great eyes..(not in a flirty way... though for me complimenting me on those kind of things is the way to my heart) hehe. We saw some great jackels, girrafes and many many impalas. This afternoon we went out on foot trekking and found two hippos. at the end of our walk a couple of us trekked to the top of a ridge to see the sunset. Amazing.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Everything that i can write before i'm too tired...

I'm just going to copy paste from my journal, it's not great writting but it will give you guys an idea, only editing small bits of it.

20th may- JFK airport, USA

Right now i'm sitting on the floor at gate B30 eating my supper. The woman near me with 3 kids smiled at me, I really hope that peoplea are nice to me. I can't believe i'm finally doing this trip, it really doesn't feel quite real yet. Already before even leaving the continent I had a small adventure finding the check in for Arik air, it was on the opposite side of the airport and I as opposed to the other people (which took the skytrain) went outside and ended up jumping over a couple fencing to get to the right terminal. There was slight confusion as to whether or not I needed a visa to layover in Nigeria, but it all worked out fine. Now i'm waiting for the flight to board and i;m very aware that I am the only white person here, it makes me very aware.

21st may- on plane to Lagos 1:45 pm nigeria time

so the ten hour flight wasn't so bad, i even managed to sleep for most of it. they just announced our decent and looking out the window i'm feeling jittery, i'm seeing huts and red dusty roads and fields. it is still hard for me to realize that this is Africa, i;m picturing myself hovering over my globe in my room, a whole continent away.

21st may- 2:45 lagos time (in airport)

So i get off the plane and into customs, i'm used to rugged airports with belize but here it is a whole different story, it make me nervous. I go through customs and they hold on to my passport while i make sure that my bag doesn't come through on the belt and that it;s checked all the way through to jo'burg. I have this horrible feeling of distrust, especially of men, espescially this man that is making me follow him through this maze of dark hallways. i do not want to be scared but i am. He is carrying my passport still, so i dont really have a choice. He brings me in this small room and tells me to sit down. There are 10 other male guards in here and they are passing my passport back and forth... i feel like i;m in the prey in the lions den and the beast are decided whether they should eat me now or later. Not fun. In the end after much pointing in my direction and loud conversation i was told to go wander off until my boarding time at this point i return here and retrieve my passport. So now i'm waiting on a bench in the airport, still fearful and nervous. Aneil told me to listen to my gut, but now i;m afraid my gut is being clouded by my overpowering imagination. I've closed my eyes and managed to sleep for a bit, i'm feeling safer, writting helps me.

5;30 pm nigeria time

Back in the lions den. i'm hungry and no longer scared. :)

9:38 pm nigeria time

Woke up for what now must be my 9th mini nap of the day. Now i'm waiting to board my flight to South Africa and i;m feeling sooo much's amazing really how quickly i;ve been able to adapt, i'm now people watching. learning everything i can with my senses. i've just eaten some nuts and carrots, i'm starved. i hope they feed me on the plane.

3;54 am nigeria time(on plane)

One hour to go and I land, then i have to take a taxi then a bus to Hoedspruit where i'm staying over night until i make it out into the bush for work on the reserve. i'm begining to feel anxious about actually stepping outside of the secured airport zone. it feels like i'm about to hold my breath through it all... i'm not looking foward to it. mom sent me a text saying that there is wonderful people all over the world. i know this, this is why i want to travel so much, connect with people and they're cultures. i'll be okay. i'll be fine. By the way, they gave me food on the plane1

5:07 am ; LANDED!!! :)

7:22 am jo'burg time (in airport)

So it seems as though 10 hours hanging out in lagos wasnt enough for my backpack and well it decided to stay there a while longer.... -_- leaving me in a somewhat frustrating situation... although, i'm happy, excited and 'i cant wait to get outside and explore!!!

9:23 am jo'burg time (pretoria bus station)

So, i feel good! Feels good to feel good. the gut is fine and the imagination is working with my peace of mind. So right, my bag is now chilling in lagos and thanks to it i've purchased X large granny panties (it was the only size and budget i could afford) i'll save spending 150 rand on a lace thong for somewhere else than the intl airport. haha. Also got some food then jumped in a taxi towards Pretoria. the taxi driver was very nice although it cost me 480 rand (i'm only paying 160 rand for the bus which takes me 7 times the distance). On the way here i saw 2 zebras and a giraffe, it was awesome! Now i'm sitting on the bench outside the station, it's a beautiful day and i'm so very content right now.

9:42 am (still at bus station)

i just got off the phone with chris, probably one of the most expensive phone call i've ever made but so worth it! I'm slightly bored so i'll write just whatever comes to mind.. It has now been close to 3 days since my last shower, real meal, and a sleep with a bed. But hey, i;m not complaining, i love how i'm living off of so little actually finding sleep with all my belongings warped around my body in various ways to not have them stolen. I've noticed that people here say "hello" as opposed to excuse me, or move please, so all morning i've been turning around and saying hi to people who just want me out of their way...

11;38 am (on translux bus heading towards hoedspruit)

Friday 20 May 2011

5 hours from my first flight.

I remember when my blackboard said: 72 days until Africa! I also remember when I first had the idea about 853 days ago... Now the black board has zero days to go, and i'm a mere 5 hours from getting on my first flight which is the beginning of a whole 49 hours of travelling. But all in all it really doesn't amount to 'How many days to go/hours left' all of it is part of this amazing trip!